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A practical and in-depth workshop to equip managers and leaders to get the best out of their teams.

Learn how to get the best performance through others and empower your team members to be great in their roles.

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, mastering the art of effective management is imperative for organisational success. The Management Essentials course gives participants a comprehensive exploration of essential management principles and practices. Through engaging discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world case studies, participants will gain valuable insights and practical skills to excel in their leadership roles.

At the core of Management Essentials lies the belief that effective management is a dynamic skill set that can be cultivated and refined over time. Participants will emerge from this course equipped with a deeper understanding of management fundamentals and actionable strategies to drive positive change within their teams and your organisation.

Throughout the duration of this hands-on training course, participants will delve into critical areas such as understanding management responsibilities within the context of our blueprint for the key management and leadership tasks to lead a team to success. They will master techniques for motivating and engaging teams, and for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Managing as a leader
  • What should managers be doing in different areas?
  • Balancing the 3 critical elements of the role
  • Understanding when to use which element

Communication styles
  • Recognising different styles in team dynamics
  • Adapting to diverse styles
  • Communicating for team collaboration & productivity

Speaking to diverse values
  • The value of diversity in a team
  • Using values as an effective communication tool
  • Motivating others by adapting to their values

Leading and motivating teams
  • Intrisic v extrinsic motivators
  • Your 3 keys to motivating others
  • Establishing a clear team purpose

Building a cohesive team culture
  • The importance of team culture
  • Working with team identity & culture
  • Driving the culture of a team

Performance management & delivery
  • The performance management lifecycle
  • Setting effective objectives
  • Using the right management styles for individuals

Delegating effectively
  • Overcoming resistance to delegation
  • What to delegate... and what not to
  • Quality control when delegating

Professional coaching
  • What coaching is... and what it isn't
  • Coaching with COURAGE™
  • Hands-on coaching practice

Building a feedback culture
  • The 3 elements of a feedback culture
  • Characteristics of effective feedback
  • Delivering challenging feedback on performance

Difficult conversations
  • What is a difficult conversation?
  • How conflict starts
  • Bringing both parties together using NVC

Innovation & continuous improvement
  • Why people struggle to think innovatively
  • Pushing people to think outside the box
  • Key tools for creativity at work

Driving the careers of the team
  • How to hold a career development conversation
  • Collaborating to create a PDP
  • Mitigating risk using succession planning strategies
Practical management toolkit
  • Understand the range of skills needed as a manager
  • Know which techniques to use in which situations
  • Prepared for all management situations

Confidence to actually manage
  • Reduced reliance on technical knowledge
  • Focus on driving performance through the team
  • Balancing management, leadership and expertise

Increased performance
  • Improved ability to drive the right behaviours
  • Better visibility on strengths & weaknesses
  • Vertical conduit for the right communication

Personal action plan
  • Self-developed actions to drive performance
  • Clear steps for working with specific team members
  • Ongoing support from peers

Leaders with 1-5 years of experience who want to truly engage their team and drive business performance from the front of the team.

As a leader of 20 years, Neil Shorney, Principle Training Consultant has the practical experience and in-depth knowledge to help your leaders to perform at their best: for the business, team members and their own performance.

Throughout Neil's career as a leader, he's combined his sales background with the predicatability of project management to help leaders to drive their teams to support the organisation's commercial objective in a way which is measurable, reliable, and repeatable.

This Knowledge Bites course will help your leaders to understand how they fit into the organisation as a whole, whichever part of the business they represent, and to break down silos as they use our cutting-edge techniques to improve team motivation and performance.

Delivery method Client delivery
Face-to-face 2 days £3,600
Virtual delivery - 4 sessions, 1 week apart £2,400
Virtual bite-size £800

Learn more about our delivery formats.

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Further resouces about leading teams

We've got a number of resources to help you to be a more effective leader in the workplace. Take a look at our videos on leadership effectiveness just here.

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